How to build a UX Writing and content design portfolio in 2021

Описание к видео How to build a UX Writing and content design portfolio in 2021

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What is a UX portfolio and what you need it?

A UX portfolio is a summary of you and your work, usually published online as a few web pages or as a part of a bigger website. In brief, your portfolio should show examples of work you have done together with an explanation of your work methods.

Why you need a UX portfolio
A portfolio is a great way to put yourself forward for exciting UX writing and design projects. It is sometimes required in job adverts, and is also great to have if you contact companies you want to work for directly (and you can absolutely do that!).

Plus, the process of creating a portfolio will help you in future job interviews as it helps you to get your thoughts together and explain your process.

Check out the full article here:

Notion UX portolfio example:

Setting up your portfolio on notion tuturial:
   • Setting Up Your UI/UX or Product Desi...  


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