How To Repair Damaged PCB Pads / Traces || Copper Soldering

Описание к видео How To Repair Damaged PCB Pads / Traces || Copper Soldering

How to repair damaged PCB pads / traces using copper foil tape is shown in my latest soldering tutorial.
Learn how this great copper foil tape can transform severely damaged situations like the one in this video into neat repaired solutions.
This versatile solution is also great for such things as repairing contaminated areas on your PCB's.
With a clear step by step guide taking you through every stage of the copper foil repair including tips and advice throughout.
Different methods can be carried out on the exposed trace to protect it ( Solder Mask , Kapton Tape , glue bead ) take your pick , this is definitely recommended or if no shorting potential you may leave it as it is ( as I have done in this video )
Copper foil tape is available from Farnell , RS Components , Mouser , DIGIKEY and many other companies online
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Mr Solderfix

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