All Men WANT THESE 4 Things From Their DREAM WOMAN | Matthew Hussey

Описание к видео All Men WANT THESE 4 Things From Their DREAM WOMAN | Matthew Hussey

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I post new dating advice for women every Sunday.

You wouldn’t believe how often people ask: “What kind of woman would Matthew Hussey date?”

Well... there’s a long answer and a short answer.

The short answer is silly, but it’s one of my MOST ESSENTIAL NEEDS in a relationship.

In fact, you’ll probably think it sounds dumb if I say it out loud. (What do men REALLY want? I’ll tell you in this short clip…)

Ok, ready?

I need a girlfriend who loves to cuddle.

Yep. I’m a cuddler.

Maybe my mum was too doting on me as a child. Maybe I love physical attention. Maybe I just like the smell of women’s perfume when my face is buried in her hair.

That’s just me though. Not every man is as big on cuddles as I am.

However, there are certain qualities in a woman that ALL men are attracted to. And that’s what I want to talk about in this week’s video.

I’m going to reveal what the top 4 irresistible traits in a woman are so that you know exactly how to get any guy addicted (regardless of his views on cuddling)...

►► FREE download: “9 Texts to Get Any Man” →

►► FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” →

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