Falcon 4.0 • BARCAP

Описание к видео Falcon 4.0 • BARCAP

According to recent interview with Microprose CEO - David Lagettie in PC Pilot, Falcon 5.0 is in plannig stage and will “support many aircraft on release, including the F-35”. I have so many questions about this statement - does "support" means it will be flyable? If it's F-35 which is still highly classified the fidelity of the avionics will most likely be simplified (which in the end may not be a bad thing). The future of flight sims may be bright again. There is also a mention about the upcoming Apache flight sim as well as news that MPS acquired CAP2 which may save the promising flight sim.

In the meantime enjoy my attempt at flying BARCAP in vanilla Falocn 4.0 - I got to eager and got shotdown, but at least me and my wingman took down 9 of the enemy fighters (7 Flankers and 2 Frogfoots).

You can read more about this article here:

Some more Falcon vids:
   • Falcon 4.0/SP/AF/BMS  


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