David Little Elk - Elk Men

Описание к видео David Little Elk - Elk Men

WEBSITE: https://wolakota7.com

Hau, Mitakuyepi! Hello, everyone! My name is David Little Elk and I am an Itazipco-Sicangu Lakota Sioux.

My Lakota spirituality book costs 99.00 US Dollars and includes shipping costs.
My Lakota Prayer book costs 49.00 US Dollars and includes shipping costs.
My Lakota language book costs 119.00 US Dollars and includes shipping costs.
My online sessions and/or spiritual consultations cost 60 US Dollars or 50 Euros per 1 hour session.
To order, you can pay direct via PayPal by sending the total amount of your order to [email protected]
Or you can purchase my online sessions and/or spiritual consultations at my Patreon account at   / wolakota7  
Or you can click on this link https://paypal.me/lakotaheart and enter the total amount there.

My earlier recorded seminars can be purchased at my Patreon account at   / wolakota7  

Donations are accepted at:
Patreon   / wolakota7  
PayPal: https://paypal.me/lakotaheart
Donations can also be sent via PayPal to [email protected]

Wolakota7 Online Shop: https://wolakota7.com/shop.html

Patrieon Online Shop: https://www.patreon.com/wolakota7/sho...

To purchase my books on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/sch/malakota/m.html
or at:

Contact: [email protected]


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