Don’t Disturb Me - English Cover (Earwig and the Witch)

Описание к видео Don’t Disturb Me - English Cover (Earwig and the Witch)

Maaaaaaan!! This song rocks so hard! I can’t believe they haven’t released in in English. I sounds like they recorded it in full for the film. Do they just not want my money!? I don’t understand!
Maybe someday...
But for now, I did my best with the lyrics based off what I heard, the closed captioning options, and the song translation.

Original Song Info
Title: Don’t Disturb Me
Original Artist: Sherina
Featured in: Earwig and the Witch

This Track Info

Instrumental by: The CRAZY talented, Gisha Djordjevic.
He truly is a hero and a champion!
You can order backing tracks from him here:
Lyrics: Adapted by Tony Oliver and re-adapted by Hashtaghime (that’s me!)
Performed by Hashtaghime


Sweet and stagnant air on hot, hot summer night
Sensing a smelly fairy hiding here, just out of sight
The fairy schemes and laughs at a rumor going round
Make the demons toss and turn and stay away

Full moon is Hunter’s red, you don’t know what’s in the night
Witches are on the roof, dancing madly for all eyes
They’re watched by an elder beast with a soul as dark as mud
Who returns to youth by drinking down demon’s blood
Oh! The shameless witch is dancing
Oh! The shameful fairy lies and gossips
Oh! The demon there will shake with rage
Deep beneath his pillow

Don’t disturb me
I’m here to say, if you come bother me, I’ll curse you away
Don’t disturb me
You wait and see, you’ll feel my curse’s ferocity

Inside a freezing furnace, coated ash from head to toe
Barefoot girl’s feet are chapped
Sobbing loud cause she doesn’t know
How long she’ll have to wait until the prince of her dreams comes through
On his big, white horse to take her to the palace
Up in his castle tower, all around him all his toys
Looking all pale and gray, little prince cowers like a boy
His door is shut secure, a hundred locks keep it nice and tight
The only girl the frightened prince knows is his mommy
Oh! The foolish prince is lonely
Oh! The goofing girl seeks what she waits for
Oh! They don’t know the doors what they’re there for, waiting to be opened

Don’t disturb me
I’m here to say, “If you come bother me, I’ll curse you away”
Don’t disturb me
Though you seem nice, if you’re a bother I’ll,
I’ll curse you twice!!
Don’t disturb me
I’m here to say, “if you come bother me I’ll curse you away”
Don’t disturb me
You wait and see, you’ll feel my curse’s ferocity

I know this isn’t 100% accurate, but there’s only so much of the song that plays clearly in the movie. I’m pretty happy with this take on the lyrics, but I definitely took some liberties where things where uncertain.
To be honest, for the sake of rhyme there’s a few more alterations I’d make to the lyrics, but I really wanted as close to a full “official movie version” as I could get because it’s just SO good! Maybe I’ll put out my own lyrics too at some point.

And finally, thanks for giving this a listen. I guess if this is your thing, like and subscribe and stuff for the next one!


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