Bible for Business: Receive God’s Vision and Write It Down

Описание к видео Bible for Business: Receive God’s Vision and Write It Down

“Then the Lord replied: ‘Write down the vision and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.’”—Habakkuk 2:2 When the prophet Habakkuk saw unexplainable and challenging things happening in his nation, he took his questions directly to God and waited for an answer. When the Lord spoke, He informed the prophet that his nation was being judged, and God instructed the prophet to write down the vision he received from God plainly so that a herald could run with this message across the nation to share it with the people. I’ve run all over telling people that God is bringing down Mammon and Babylon. However, you must sit in God’s Presence and find out what this means for your business or ministry. Within the greater vision of judgment and challenges preceding the return of Messiah, there are smaller visions for every Kingdom business and ministry to do the work of the Lord in the lives of many at this time while also preparing for Messiah’s return. Seek God fervently for His vision for your business right now. Then write it down as plainly as you can, so that you can implement it over an extended period of time. This is essential because many other entrepreneurs are going to try to return to business as usual soon, but it will be short-lived because they’ve not come into alignment with God’s greater vision. Your enterprise will outlast and surpass them all if you discover God’s vision for your business in this season and stay the course through the ups and downs. These are tumultuous times, but our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Our faith, families and finances don’t have to be shaken if we have rooted them in the unshakable God who is causing the shaking. During our Kingdom Wealth Workshop this Saturday at 1pm EDT online, I’ll help you to plan to make this a reality. Visit to subscribe to our email list to receive the contact details to join us.


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