Designing with SCAL combining 2 shapes, turning mandala into shaped mandala Jen Blausey

Описание к видео Designing with SCAL combining 2 shapes, turning mandala into shaped mandala Jen Blausey

In this video, I show you the TECHNIQUE to turn ANY shape, into another shape, this video, a dog, into a MANDALA DOG. But, it can be a dog, cat, elephant, star, eggplant, table, bran, house, moon...ETC, into ANY type of pattern YOU choose. You see, my videos are done, because I teach TECHNIQUE, and then YOU apply it to what YOU want =D To me, that is more powerful, and actually EMPOWERS YOU, to be your own person, your own designer, your own creator. And that is gold!
This video is using SCAL5, but it translates to SCAL4 the same. I do also teach LOTS of other things in this video as well, as that is what I try to do in ALL of my videos, teach as it arises, because I understand it, and know that people often come with more than one question, OR store it in your memory bank, so you can pull it out IF & WHEN it happens to you. THERE is the power! YEAH!
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