2013 World Championship Modern Deck Tech: Selesnya Hexproof with Reid Duke

Описание к видео 2013 World Championship Modern Deck Tech: Selesnya Hexproof with Reid Duke

Brian David-Marshall talks with Reid Duke about his Selesnya Hexproof deck in Modern for the 2013 World Championship.

1 Dryad Arbor
1 Forest
1 Wooded Bastion
4 Temple Garden
4 Horizon canopy
4 Razorverge Thicket
3 Misty Rainforest
3 Verdant Catacombs
4 Gladecover Scout
4 Slippery Bogle
4 Kor Spiritdancer
4 Ethereal Armor
4 Rancor
4 Hyena Umbra
4 Spider Umbra
4 Keen Sense
4 Daybreak Coronet
3 Unflinching Courage
*4 Leyline of Sanctity
*1 Grafdigger's Cage
*2 Rest in Peace
*3 Stony Silence
*2 Dismember
*2 Path to Exile
*1 Suppression Field


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