Popsicle Review! Bomb Pops & JonnyPops

Описание к видео Popsicle Review! Bomb Pops & JonnyPops

I do weekly popsicle reviews on my Patreon, but today to celebrate the 4th of July, I wanted to share this one with you! We're checking out the ORIGINAL Bomb Pop AND JonnyPops ANDDDD a popsicle themed face mask!

Let's celebrate America's birthday by eating popsicles with a fork and a knife! Anything else would be inappropriate, duh. Happy 4th of July! Be safe with fireworks and have an amazing day ❤️🤍💙

Want to see early content + review of popsicles? Check out my Patreon:
  / onceoverwithcayley  

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Instagram:   / onceoverwithcayley  
Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/nevorpurify/
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Outro Song: Nacho Overachiever by The Isotopes https://theisotopes.com/


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