3 Easy Bass Solos To Get Started (Even If You’ve Never Taken A Bass Solo)

Описание к видео 3 Easy Bass Solos To Get Started (Even If You’ve Never Taken A Bass Solo)

►► FREE: Get the tabs, notation and practice tracks for all 3 easy bass solos in this lesson → https://becomeabassist.com/easy-bass-...

Easy bass solo: If you’re a beginner,it almost sounds impossible. How can taking a bass solo be easy?!?! But imagine this:

You’re at a gig, on stage, bass in hand, and things sound *amazing*! You’re standing next to the drummer, both great big smiles on your faces.

Song after song, you’re grooving hard, locking in, making the whole band sound incredible - you could do this for hours.

Then something happens that you don’t expect. The singer yells to the crowd:

“Ladies and gentlemen - want to introduce to you our bass player. GIVE IT UP FOR OUR BASSIST!!!”

The crowd cheers, everyone in front of you on the stage moves out of the way and stops playing. It’s just you and the drummer now and as the hot beam of the spotlight creeps across your face, it dawns on you:

► They want you to take a bass solo...

Now this is just a hypothetical right now, but if this were your reality right now. How would you feel?

Would you be filled with 𝗯𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲? The kind of confidence where you’d take 4 steps forward to the front of the stage, put your foot up on the foldback wedge and wow the crowd with your soloing chops?

Or would you be filled with unimaginable dread at the thought of doing anything but play the root notes?

If you’re more in the 2nd camp, I understand! Soloing can be intimidating - even for bassists who are seasoned veterans.

But today, I want to show you one of the 𝗯𝗲𝘀𝘁 ways I know to learn the language of soloing on bass. I’ve used it for years and continue to use it to this day. In fact, I used it in the process of creating this week’s video.

It 𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝘀 that you’ll:

► Play great-sounding notes
► Play great-sounding rhythms
► Always make a great impression when you solo

So what is it?

‘Stealing’ Other People’s Bass Solos

And I don’t mean stealing in a malicious way. You’re simply copying something you know sounds good, so you can sound good too.

Musicians learn the language of music in the same way that babies learn to talk. Babies steal ‘licks’ (words/phrases/sentences) from the world around them and learn to communicate that way.

You can do the same on bass!

And if you’re wondering how you can get started doing this for yourself, I’ve got three beginner-friendly solos you can take and copy note-for-note and get comfortable with the idea of taking a solo.

The first one was actually the very first bass solo that I learned myself back in my high-school rock band days and I still use one of the ideas I learned from it today - more than a decade later.

If you want to get your hands on these solos and play them for yourself, then I have the perfect gift for you! I’m giving away the tracks and tabs for all these bass solos - for free!

To get them all, just go to this page:


Fill out the form on that page and I’ll send it all to you - even the slow practice tracks to make it as easy as possible to start using these bass solos and all the ideas in them.

Now do you have to be playing these exact songs to get something out of these solos? Absolutely not! You can extract your favorite licks and play them over just about any song that you like.

It’s a ton of fun, and because you’re copying great bassists, you know you’re always going to sound fantastic. Good luck with these easy bass solos!



P.S. Here’s the link to the playing-by-ear lesson I talk about in the video:

   • How To Get STARTED Playing Bass By Ea...  

P.P.S. If you want to practice these bass solos for yourself, make sure you download the tabs, tracks and notation from the website. Just fill out the form on this page:


And I’ll send it all to you - 100% free. I’ve even included the slower versions of the practice tracks to make it super easy to get started.


0:00 Intro
1:29 Bass Solo #1
6:23 Bass Solo #2
10:53 Bass Solo #3
19:09 Get The Tabs And Tracks


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