成龍監製 成家班武術指導 動作喜劇電影 馮克安自導自演|老鼠街 (Gold Hunter)|劉家勇|馮克安|李海生|朱鐵和|粵語中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1981

Описание к видео 成龍監製 成家班武術指導 動作喜劇電影 馮克安自導自演|老鼠街 (Gold Hunter)|劉家勇|馮克安|李海生|朱鐵和|粵語中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1981

【粵語CC中字+ENG】老鼠街 (Gold Hunter)|劉家勇(Lau Kar-Yung)、馮克安(Fung Hark On)、李海生(Lee Hoi Sang)、朱鐵和(Chu Tit-Wo)、劉雅麗(Alice Lau)、唐偉成(Wilson Tong):手車伕李生、小偷阿東及馬超為結義兄弟。一日,司令王維忠之子阿積設宴,李生三人往當雜工。飲宴之際,運輸署長至,詢問有關儲備金之運送事宜,三人起奪金之念。王維忠為人奸狡,暗使管家祥伯派人假意奪金,並殺運輸署長,不料三人棋先一著,王司令以為三人乃祥伯指使,不以為意,見三人不殺署長,唯有親自下手殺之……

Three sworn brothers – Coolie Li, Burglar Tong and Waiter Ma - dream of getting rich overnight. One day, Ma calls in Li and Tong to help in the restaurant as Commandant Wang's son Jack is throwing a big party in honor of the director of transports. The three overhear a conversation: the director is sending a gold convoy out of town. They decide to stage a highway robbery. Commandant Wang actually has stolen the gold. He plans to have the convoy robbed and the director killed. So he readily lets the three get the loot. But when the three fail to kill the director, Wang has to do the killing himself......

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成龍監製 成家班武術指導 動作喜劇電影 馮克安自導自演|老鼠街 (Gold Hunter)|劉家勇|馮克安|李海生|朱鐵和|粵語中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01|1981

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