Treatment of Skeletal Class I Bimaxillary Protrusion|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC791

Описание к видео Treatment of Skeletal Class I Bimaxillary Protrusion|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC791

[case report]
This a bimaxillary protrusion case treated with extractions and self-ligation system. Extractions provided space relief and coil springs and posterior bite turbos allowed the blocked-in lateral incisors to align. Intermaxillary elastics were effective in midline correction.

這是一個上顎雙側暴牙的案例,透過拔牙和自鎖式矯正器,達到良好的治療成果。拔除上下四顆小臼齒來創造牙齒移動空間,再利用後牙bite turbo和coil springs將blocked-in lateral incisors排齊,最後利用intermaxillary elastics來矯正中線。


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