The Child-Free TAG **Original**

Описание к видео The Child-Free TAG **Original**


I'm tagging the Child-Free by Choice. Yes, you!
Please take part in this TAG by making a video responding to the questions asked and make it a video response to my video. I'd love to hear your response to these questions.

There are twenty one questions in this Child-free tag and I tag YOU ALL!

1. Do you dislike children?
2. Why did you opt out of parenthood?
3. Do you think your childhood experiences and/or your parents actions influenced your decision?
4. What is the most common reaction/comment you get when people find out you're Child-Free?
5. Do you have any Child-free friends or relatives?
6. Do you think people are aware that parenthood is a choice?
7. How do you feel/react when your loved ones announce they're expecting?
8. What is the most ridiculous Bingo you've ever received?
9. Are you worried you might one day regret your decision?
10. (For women) Don't you want to experience being pregnant?
11. Is your current partner Childfree as well?
12. Is it possible to be in a happy, fulfilling relationship without children?
13. Define parenthood in one word
14. Do you think you would be a good parent? Why/Why Not?

15. Do you have pets? Do you think you transfer the nurturing and love intended for a child unto your pet(s)?
16. Which Child-free stereotype do you not fit?
17. Is it hard to find a Child-free partner?
18. Which label do you prefer? Child-Free or Childless?
19. Do you actively encourage the people around you to think about their reproductive
20. Are you worried about who will take care of you when you're old?
21. What is the best part about being Child-Free?

Executive Truth video: Child-Free: A Day in The Life
   • Child-Free: A Day In The Life  


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