creativerse review

Описание к видео creativerse review

Another review without gameplay which is a problem since I could download videos or prerecord it. So you will see limited photos in this video. And for the problem part I clearly chose not to download or prerecord any video to use for this video which is what people called a bad move. As such some of the problem are seen in this game review. All game have problems but I believe that this game is the most problematic of them all. Creativerse is a pc game that you can get from the Steam store. It was original good as it a free to play and a better version in the crafting department. But recently the game become a shell of it former glory. For starters, it occasionally not respond. Meaning it gotten to the point where it crash when someone is walking or running. I end up reciving the pop-up where it said creativerse is not responding several times in one game before the game said screw it and crash. It is if the game got annoyed at me for banning people for breaking the rules. Look I do not care if players grief on worlds without rules as either no rules exist or players do not care. But when the game does not show itself you can not clean up the mess people left if possible.


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