Bede and the Theory of Everything - Michelle Brown

Описание к видео Bede and the Theory of Everything - Michelle Brown

Bede (c.673-735) was one of the greatest scholars of the post-Roman world and has been accorded the titles of 'Venerable', for his work on biblical studies, and 'the father of English history', for creating the concept of the English and writing their first history.

Michelle P. Brown, author of Bede and the Theory of Everything, will consider his work on popularising the use of a single unified dating system in the West; in studying gravitational pull of the moon and its effect on tides (writing the first tide timetables); writing the earliest translation of a part of the Bible in English and some of the earliest Old English poetry; and his role in the making of manuscript masterpieces such as the Codex Amiatinus and the Lindisfarne Gospels.

The strands of the work of this consummate researcher, writer and teacher are often considered separately, but Bede, the radical priest-monk, had a big idea, what the modern age might call a TOE (Theory of Everything), in which all of his lines of thought converged upon how time, space and the physical universe ticked and how they related to the creative force, the Cosmic Logos.


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