does java support polymorphism

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certainly! polymorphism is one of the core concepts of object-oriented programming (oop), and java supports it in two primary ways: compile-time (also known as static polymorphism) and runtime (also known as dynamic polymorphism).

what is polymorphism?

*polymorphism* allows methods to do different things based on the object it is acting upon, even though they share the same name. this enables code flexibility and reusability.

types of polymorphism in java

1. **compile-time polymorphism (method overloading)**: this occurs when multiple methods have the same name but different parameter lists (different types or number of parameters).

2. **runtime polymorphism (method overriding)**: this occurs when a subclass provides a specific implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass. the method that gets executed is determined at runtime based on the object's actual class.

example of compile-time polymorphism

in compile-time polymorphism, we can have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters. here’s an example:

example of runtime polymorphism

in runtime polymorphism, you can override a method in a subclass. the method to be executed is determined at runtime based on the object that calls it. here’s an example:

explanation of the examples

1. **compile-time polymorphism**:
the `mathoperations` class has multiple `add` methods with different signatures.
when you call `math.add()`, the appropriate method is selected based on the number and type of arguments passed.

2. **runtime polymorphism**:
the `animal` class defines a method `sound()`, which is overridden in the `dog` and `cat` subclasses.
in the `main` method, the type of the object (`dog` or `cat`) determines which version of `sound()` is executed, even though the reference type is `animal`.


java supports polymorphism, allowing developers to write more flexible and reusable code. by utilizing both compile-time and runtime poly ...

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