Equipment We Use for Lampworking

Описание к видео Equipment We Use for Lampworking

This video is a list of the tools, torches and equipment we use in our home studio. This set up is for lampworking (aka glassblowing) glass. We do both solid work and hollow work. It is up just a basic overview.
We will be doing more videos. Stay tuned!
If you have any questions let us know.

Below is a list of the items we mentioned along with pricing and links to find them.

1. GTT phantom ($1200) (this is jasons main torch)you can find it here :

2. GTT Lynx ($400ish) (this is Janelle’s main torch) You can find it here:

3. GTT Yellowjacket ($400ish) (this is Jasons Hand torch) you can find it here:

4. Little Smith hand torch ($150ish) (Janelle’s hand torch) we found ours on EBay, you will have to look this one up. There are many listings.

5. The tip on the Little Smith hand torch is one from Blast Sheild ($50) you can find them here:

6. Paragon F120 kiln ($1800? I can’t remember exactly what we paid for this) you can find them here:

7. Jeff Rogers Foot Pedal, This allows Jason to go from a small flame to a larger flame without having to adjust the knobs. The model we have may not be available anymore. ($600) you can find them here:

8. Blast Shield Bunsen Burner. This is the one with the 4 ports ($150ish) you can find them here:…/b…/produ...

9. Graphite Marble Molds - most of these you can find on Mountain Glass Arts. ($25-$200each)

10. Our ground joint, claw grabbers and a few other tools came from Griffin Tools ($40-$200each)

11. Vin Pin Frog ($80) you can find here:

12. Our diamond shears and straight sheers came from Mountain glass ($20-$40 each) you can find them here:

13. Mashers both came from Mountain Glass ($35-$50ish each) you can find them here:

14. V Necking Tool Came from Mountain Glass ($30)

15. Rollers came from Blast Sheild ($50) you can find them here:…/1-pivoti...

16. Jaws glass cutting tool ($45) you can find the ones we use here:

17. Tile cutters/jaws you can find at Home Depot or harbor freight or wherever you get your everyday tools.

18. Pyrometer/calipers you can find on eBay.

19. Tungsten pick we got from mountain Glass ($12-$20 each) you can find them here:

20. Tweezers we found all over. Ebay, flea market, tool store.

21. Graphite tools from Firebug Tools you can find here:

22. bowl Push was from blast shield ($25-$30) you can find them here:

23. Blast shield/marver set on Phantom torch came from Blast Shield ($200-$300 for the set) you can find options here:…/b...

24. Leather tool set ($40-$50) found on EBay.

25. Liquid Oxygon Tank came from Air Gas ($600 to rent for the year, runs us about $180 per month to fill) check with your local gas supply company for pricing and availability.

26. Hoses/regulators we found the ones that work for our studio online or at harbor freight.

27. Fan/ventilation was all found locally.

28. Propane tanks you can get from just about anywhere.

I think that is everything, I’m sure I missed some! Lol let me know if I did.

Most of our items can be found from Mountain glass. We actually purchase about 80% of our items from our local glass supply shop Grey Matter Glass.
We do this because we like to support local business. Plus the guys who run the place are awesome!   / greymatterglassshop  

Mountain Glass also sells starter kits for anyone interested in starting their Lampwork journey. These come with all the basics. And are definitely worth trying at first. We knew what we wanted when we set up so just pieced our studio together. Here is a link for starter kits.…/…/gla...

I think that’s about all I can say about that!

Message or comment if you want to find out more.
Follow our Facebook @NomadGlass77 and our IG @Nomadglass77 to follow our work and get updates on new videos.
Upcoming videos include: the glass we use, product reviews and some tutorials.
Thank you for looking and watching!


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