Raiden II, Arcade, 1993, Seibu Kaihatsu, (NO MISS, 1 LOOP), [4k, 60fps]

Описание к видео Raiden II, Arcade, 1993, Seibu Kaihatsu, (NO MISS, 1 LOOP), [4k, 60fps]

Raiden II, 1993, Seibu Kaihatsu

Raiden II expands on the first Raiden's mechanics, introducing two weapons: the Bend Plasma, a lock-on weapon that deals constant low damage to enemies, and the Cluster Bomb, a fast-deploying bomb that does less damage than regular bombs but strikes a larger area.

Raiden II has three primary weapons and two missile weapons, upgraded by collecting power-ups. Primary weapons and missiles are fired simultaneously. Bombs are special weapons that deal damage over a wide area and cancel out enemy fire. Players can carry a maximum of seven of any combination of the two types of bombs in the game.

The player fights enemies through eight stages of increasing difficulty. In a two-player game, when one player shoots the other's craft with the red or blue primary weapon, the other player's craft generates special projectiles that deal a lot of damage to enemies.

Main CPU : V30 (@ 16 Mhz) played om MAME 0.242

0:00 Start
1:14 Level 1
4:53 Level 2
9:07 Level 3
13:47 Level 4
18:24 Level 5
23:54 Level 6
29:09 Level 7
33:36 Level 8
37:52 MIssion completed, back to the Earth.


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