Aura Protocol (Cymatics).wmv

Описание к видео Aura Protocol (Cymatics).wmv

For our one-year "anniversary," and as always --- a completey original creation for this "Sonatherapy" site on You Tube.

Eight five-frequency Sonations for each Color Center (Chakral Area) of the Human Aura. The pentatonic chords generate Cymatic wave fronts in a small dish of water -- vibrant with the appropriate color and hue for each center -- as an aid to the viewer using guided imagery. (Note that the sounds are also pulsed and panned -- in stereo -- and may be used with a high intensity LED screen for light/color therapy.

Speakers or headphones should be positioned each side of the Color Force Center. Volume may be adjusted up or down for comfort. With sound therapy "less is more." (These are "normal" sounds to be played at "normal," low wattage/amplitude.)

The true Color Centers of the higher 4-D body are eight in number. They directly relate to the well-known "seven" chakras governing the astral and aetheric fields. However, the higher "Color" Centers, as found in the earliest Vedic teachings, number "eight." (This is the true "Purusha.")

Specific sounds and colors, in harmony with the new Sun of Righteousness manifesting, are taught within The System of Cosolargy at Jamilian University. See for more information on The System and distance learning programs available via The Academy.

Blessed be ALL who have supported this endeavour! My sincerest gratitude. 2012 is upon us. GRB.


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