#90 In Between Books x Atmosféra: Tomáš Sloboda & Jerguš Oravec

Описание к видео #90 In Between Books x Atmosféra: Tomáš Sloboda & Jerguš Oravec

7. 8. 2021 Atmosféra festival // Hontianske Nemce, Slovakia

Tomáš Sloboda and Jerguš Oravec played at the 9th year of festival Atmosféra with the band Le Payaco and stopped by to perform an acoustic session at the Dub stage. Jerguš Oravec opened it with his songs, one of which was 'Cry'. Then he teamed up with Tomáš Sloboda and performed his song 'Káva a Nikotín' from his project Sounds Like This. They also performed several covers of their influences like David Bowie and the Beatles. Those, however, will be forever reserved only for the audience at the festival. Their beautiful session full of mutual chemistry ends with Jerguš Oravec's composition 'Amadeus' ending with his exquisite solo. We were able to bring you this session thanks to our partners and thanks to festival Atmosféra.

00:00 - Cry
04:06 - Káva a Nikotín
07:24 - Amadeus

Even more about them:
INSTAGRAM |   / jergusoravec  
INSTAGRAM |   / god_save_the_vinyl  

More about us:
  / ibbsessions  
  / ibb.sessions  
[email protected]

Producers: Daniel Bdžoch, Rebeka Mehlyová, Martina Čulíková
Audio Engineer: Štefan Tomko
Videographers: Katarína Koniarová, Martina Čulíková
Editor: Katarína Koniarová

Z verejných zdrojov projekt podporil Fond na podporu umenia.
Finančne podporil Sociálny a kultúrny fond SOZA.
Finančne podporil Hudobný fond.
Ďakujeme aj našim partnerom Nová Cvernovka, Kabinet pomalosti, Websupport a GoOut.

#InBetweenBooks #Sloboda&Oravec #IBB


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