3-Day Water Fast | Body Mind Soul Renewed | Spiritual Benefits of Fasting

Описание к видео 3-Day Water Fast | Body Mind Soul Renewed | Spiritual Benefits of Fasting

I'm building a community of men who are striving to be more like Christ. Support the channel by liking, commenting, and subscribing for more! Looking forward to see you around!

0:00-0:20 Intro
0:20-1:19 Is it Safe for Me to Fast?
1:19-2:12 Physical Benefits
2:12-2:40 Mental Benefits
2:40-4:00 Benefits I Personally Notice
4:00-4:45 Potential Side Effects
4:45-5:50 It's 99% Mental
5:50- Spiritual Side of Fasting
10:10-12:20 Closer to God
12:20-13:40 Hearing from God
13:40-16:12 When Should You Fast?

#fasting #fastingprayer #3dayfast #waterfast #waterfasting


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