Difference Between Parole and Furlough Explained | State of Gujarat vs. Narayan Sai | SC Cases | ALR

Описание к видео Difference Between Parole and Furlough Explained | State of Gujarat vs. Narayan Sai | SC Cases | ALR

Welcome to ALR - Anand Law Reporter which deals with Judgments of the Supreme Court of India, Provident Fund, Fundamental Rights, Labour Codes, Practical Guidance, Legal News, Legal Terms, and Legal Maxims. This video deals with an important judgment titled "State of Gujarat & Anr. vs. Narayan Sai” pronounced on 20th October 2021 and it is about the discussion on the differences between 'furlough' and 'parole' and the principles relating to the grant of them (Difference Between Parole and Furlough Explained). To know more about it, please watch the video fully...

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