046 How to Soar On Wings Like Eagles (Isaiah

Описание к видео 046 How to Soar On Wings Like Eagles (Isaiah

Isaiah 40:31 “but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”
The Bible is the word of God and is powerful and life changing. This verse we just read is a wonderful illustration of how a person who trusts in God can overcome any obstacle in their walk of life, no matter how hopeless you feel. Over the centuries this passage has given comfort and encouragement to countless people. Even though we can apply this passage to all believers it is also important to interpret this passage in its context. Isaiah was a prophet to both Judah and Jerusalem as mentioned in Isaiah 1:1. As you read through the book of Isaiah you will notice that the first 39 chapters deal primarily with “judgment” and from chapters 40 to 66 the focus is changed to that of “comfort”. These words of encouragement were addressed to the Jewish exiles who would be taken captive to Babylon. Isaiah is probably writing about what was to come and that they would be in exile, and in that time to recall this message of comfort. Praise God for the timeless truth of this passage and its application to our lives today as well. What a wonderful promise! Amen!
But what I want you to consider today is that this promise is “conditional”, and the condition mentioned in v31 is that “those who wait on the LORD” shall inherit these promises. Those who wait on the Lord is the one who will renew their strength, it is the one who waits on he Lord who will mount up with wings like eagles, it is the one who waits on the Lord who will run and not be weary, it is the one who waits on the lord who will walk and not be faint. Amen.
Are you waiting on the Lord? In order to “wait on the Lord”, we need to determine what it means to “wait” and how are we to wait on the Lord? The word used in this passage is the Hebrew word ‘Qavah’, and according to the Strong’s Definition, it means “to bind together (perhaps by twisting, i.e. collect; (figuratively) to expect:-gather (together), look, patiently, tarry, wait (for, on, upon).”....

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