PROTEMO - Emotional Dynamics of Protective Policies in an Age of Insecurity

Описание к видео PROTEMO - Emotional Dynamics of Protective Policies in an Age of Insecurity

Presentation of the project ‘PROTEMO – Emotional dynamics of protective policies in an age of insecurity’ by Georg Wenzelburger and Beatriz Carbone (Saarland University). This presentation occurred during the Synergy Creation in Emotions & Politics Research in Europe, organized at the CES on 23 January 2024 by Cristiano Gianolla (CES), Lisete Mónico (FPCEUC/CINEICC) and Beatriz Carbone (U Saarland). Project ‘PROTEMO’ studies: ‘The emotional connection between the state and individuals. The focus is on protective policies and their consequences for individuals, groups of citizens and non-citizens as well as for democracy, political participation, and mobilization’.


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