Whatsminer M50. Miner Repair

Описание к видео Whatsminer M50. Miner Repair

Today we have a Whatsminer M50 miner for repair. During the diagnosis, it was found that one of the asics was not transmitting the signal. Let's take a closer look at the diagnosis and repair process.

Сегодня у нас на ремонте майнер Whatsminer M50. В ходе диагностки было выявлено, что один из чипов не пропускает сигнал. Давайте посмотрим на процесс диагностики и ремонта немного поближе.

Our actual links:

If you are interested in high quality repair of your mining equipment, follow this link ➡ https://t.me/meatecrepair


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