Speaking Exam Practice - Part 4 - Money Money Money - Cambridge B2 (FCE) First

Описание к видео Speaking Exam Practice - Part 4 - Money Money Money - Cambridge B2 (FCE) First

Practice for part 4 of the speaking paper by answering these eight questions. Part 4 of the speaking paper is where you and your partner are asked questions related to the topic of part 3, and these questions are all related to the topic of money.

For some useful grammar and vocabulary you can use when answering these questions go to: https://b2firstexampreparation.com/sp...

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Reading and Use of English: https://b2firstexampreparation.com/re...
Listening: https://b2firstexampreparation.com/li...
Writing: https://b2firstexampreparation.com/wr...
Speaking: https://b2firstexampreparation.com/sp...

Popular topics used in the B2 First exam: https://b2firstexampreparation.com/to...


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