Marbled Butterfly pea flower sourdough bread

Описание к видео Marbled Butterfly pea flower sourdough bread

Marbled butterfly pea flower sourdough bread made with two type of dough one white dough and other blue color dough made with butterfly pea flower tea. Delicious and colorful bread you can enjoy as toast or sandwich. For detail recipes please visit,

o 15 g sourdough starter I used 100% hydration 50: 50 all-purpose flour : whole wheat flour
o 40 bread flour
o 10 g rye flour
o 50 g water
For white dough
175g Bread flour
15g Rye
10g Spelt
15g Leavain
4g Salt
168.8 water

For blue color dough
175g Bread flour
15g Rye
10g Spelt
15g Leavain
4g Salt
168 g Butterfly pea flower water
For butterfly pea flower water
7g butterfly pea flower
175g water


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