
Описание к видео (install)-defy-ics[CM9]-9-dec-2011.mp4

Install/Update Defy ICS CM9 - 9 Dec 2011 (CM9-ICS-MR0-111209-jordan.zip)

I was upgrade from 111207
Clean Install (Wipe data/cache, clear dalvik)
I was upgrade w/o clean install (clear cache, dalvik, then install zip) and it works, but if you see, there will be 2 gallery icons in apps, this because the old gallery doesn't replaced (my assumption)
First boot will take a long time to create the cache, and second boot will run quickly

What's on update (what I found/I feel):
USB debug icon show on the status bar
(in my case) USB tethering stopped after opened
add homescreen menu (Show Page Indicator, Fade Indicator)

-- Sorry Low Quality Vid :( --


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