Rockwood/ Flagstaff RV - Sidewall & Roof Construction Tour

Описание к видео Rockwood/ Flagstaff RV - Sidewall & Roof Construction Tour

Tina and I show how the Sidewall and roof are constructed in the Forest River Rockwood/Flagstaff RV plant. We were lucky enough to get a behind-the-scenes tour of the entire process from Mitch. We filmed the tour during a production day to provide the full experience, so please excuse some of the high-pitched noise.
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00:00 Introduction
00:50 Laminating Azdel to Fiberglass
04:50 AC Aluminum Frame Structure
05:13 Sidewall Aluminum Construction
07:18 Sidewall Jig Rack
07:46 Sidewall Assembly Glue/ Foam
09:08 Vacuum Bond Laminating Machine
11:38 Sidewall Inspection Area
13:00 Roof Assembly Glue/ Foam/ Vacuum Lamination
15:11 Roof Cutout & Prep Area
15:42 Closing
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