Aragon - Vegetable Leaves as Dessert | What's cookin'

Описание к видео Aragon - Vegetable Leaves as Dessert | What's cookin'

All the recipes of the episode:
Sopa de borrajas - Borage cream soup
Crespillos de borraja or Crespillos Aragoneses - fried borage leaves
Estofado de patata Mangold - Mangold Potato Stew
Cordero asado con patatas - Potato Lamb Pan
Caracoles con verdura - Snails and vegetables

Aragón is characterized mainly by agriculture. Araceli Marzo has a health food store in Mas de las Matas, a small town in the region of Bajo Aragón in northeastern Spain, where she sells regional products. The main objective is to achieve sustainable and prudent food.

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Aragón. Sonia Peralta provides the food store with fresh fruits and vegetables harvested from her permaculture. She preprares together with Araceli Marzo several recipes typical from Aragon, such as crespillos, seafood empanadas, borage creams and others.

What's cookin' is about traditional culinary recipes from different European regions.


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