Ceramic tools for beginners / how to make ceramics at home

Описание к видео Ceramic tools for beginners / how to make ceramics at home

#ceramictools #howimakeceramics #ceramicsvlog #studiovlog

In this video I thought it would be useful to share some of the simple tools I use when I make ceramics. You can easily spend a lot of money on ceramic tools, but you really don't need too.

The tools I show in this video are some that I have used from the very beginning. They are inexpensive and you can probably easily make some of them yourself. I will also demonstrate how I use each tool, so you can get some inspiration.

I hope you will enjoy the video and thank you for watching!

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  / cateatmelon  

▼ Music
Epic Gardener -Whistler (https://www.epic-gardener.com/)
Et voila - Chris Haugen


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