Quello che NON volevi sapere sul CAPODOGLIO - SCIENZA BRUTTA

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Scritto da Barbascura X e Jacopo De Luca
Revisione testi - Willy Guasti, Veronica Maglieri, Papucy
Consulenza scientifica - Laura Pintore
Montaggio - Moreno Stefanuto
Aiuto montaggio - Fabrizio Lo Feudo
Animazioni - Giulia Crivez e Matteo Boila
D.O.P. - Davide Farullo
Logistica - Gabriele Tosi
Location - Bakiki Art Club (San Felice Circeo)
Una produzione MALESSERE

Per approfondire i temi trattati:
1) Fox, K.C.R., Muthukrishna, M. & Shultz, S. The social and cultural roots of whale and dolphin brains. Nat Ecol Evol 1, 1699–1705 (2017)
2) Sperm Whales Have the Biggest Brains, but How Smart Are They? - Discover Magazine
3) Miller, P. J., Aoki, K., Rendell, L. E., & Amano, M. (2008). Stereotypical resting behavior of the sperm whale. Current biology
4) Why Do Sperm Whales Sleep Vertically? - Ocean Action Hub5)Whitehead, H. (2018). Sperm whale: Physeter macrocephalus. In Encyclopedia of marine mammals (pp. 919-925). Academic Press.
6) Cranford, T. W., Amundin, M., & Norris, K. S. (1996). Functional morphology and homology in the odontocete nasal complex: implications for sound generation. Journal of morphology, 228(3), 223-285.
7) Litchfield, C., Greenberg, A. J., Caldwell, D. K., Caldwell, M. C., Sipos, J. C., & Ackman, R. G. (1975). Comparative lipid patterns in acoustical and nonacoustical fatty tissues of dolphins, porpoises and toothed whales. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, 50(4), 591-597.
8) March, D., Brown, D., Gray, R., Curthoys, I., Wong, C., & Higgins, D. P. (2016). Auditory anatomy of beaked whales and other odontocetes: Potential for cochlear stimulation via a “vibroacoustic duct mechanism”. Marine Mammal Science, 32(2), 552-567.
9) Au, W. W., Horne, J. K., & Jones, C. (2010). Basis of acoustic discrimination of chinook salmon from other salmons by echolocating Orcinus orca. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4), 2225-2232.
10) Dolphins May 'See' Pregnant Women's Fetuses - Livescience
11) Elliott, J. (2003). Sperm Whales: Social Evolution in the Ocean. Northeastern Naturalist, 10(3), 362.
12) Bland, K. P., & Kitchener, A. C. (2001). The anatomy of the penis of a sperm whale (Physeter catodon L., 1758). Mammal Review, 31(3‐4), 239-244.
13) Eguiguren, A., Konrad Clarke, C. M., & Cantor, M. (2023). Sperm whale reproductive strategies: current knowledge and future directions. Sex in Cetaceans: Morphology, Behavior, and the Evolution of Sexual Strategies, 443-467.
14) Aoki, K., Amano, M., Mori, K., Kourogi, A., Kubodera, T., & Miyazaki, N. (2012). Active hunting by deep-diving sperm whales: 3D dive profiles and maneuvers during bursts of speed. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 444, 289-301.
15) Roper, C. F. E., & Boss, K. J. (1982). The Giant Squid. Scientific American, 246(4), 96–105
16) Gómez-Villota, F. (2007). Sperm whale diet in New Zealand (Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).
17) Battle of the Apex Predators - Naturaliste Charters
18) Why Do Sperm Whales Sleep Vertically? - Ocean Action Hub
19) van Oijen, T., van Leeuwe, M. A., Gieskes, W. W., & de Baar, H. J. (2004). Effects of iron limitation on photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism in the Antarctic diatom Chaetoceros brevis (Bacillariophyceae). European Journal of Phycology, 39(2), 161-171.
20) Boyd, P. W., Watson, A. J., Law, C. S., Abraham, E. R., Trull, T., Murdoch, R., ... & Zeldis, J. (2000). A mesoscale phytoplankton bloom in the polar Southern Ocean stimulated by iron fertilization. Nature, 407(6805), 695-702.
21) Naselli-Flores, L., & Padisák, J. (2023). Ecosystem services provided by marine and freshwater phytoplankton. Hydrobiologia, 850(12), 2691-2706.
22) Pearson, H. C., Savoca, M. S., Costa, D. P., Lomas, M. W., Molina, R., Pershing, A. J., ... & Roman, J. (2023). Whales in the carbon cycle: can recovery remove carbon dioxide?. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 38(3), 238-249.
23) Clarke, R. (2006). The origin of ambergris. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals
24) Rice, D. W. (2009). Ambergris. In Encyclopedia of marine mammals (pp. 28-29). Academic Press
25) La prima riserva marina al mondo per i capodogli (e i benefici per l’ambiente delle loro feci) - Greenme


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00:00 - Intro
1:53 - Sponsor MALE
50:45 - Titoli di coda


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