Quick Repair Gibson/Epiphone Dot ES 335 Fallen Output Jack

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Quick way to fix an output jack that has fallen into a semi-hollow body 335-style guitar. Not the most elegant or quiet of efforts (believe me, the first time around I was a lot more careful as I figured it out). This time I was just trying to do it quickly for the sake of time/camera/YouTube. I used a small Phillips head screw driver to remove the pick guard, an 8-12 inch length of rubber coated wire, a pair of those little electrical tongs that come in most computer tool kits, and a hex head that fits the nut that goes over the output jack to hold it all together. Note that I did not have problems with the jack unit itself, so no soldering was required. Tip: ALWAYS check your output jack on semi- and full hollow body guitars to make sure the nut is TIGHT before plugging (or unplugging) in your guitar cord (DOH!).


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