How To Build a Rat Breeding Rack

Описание к видео How To Build a Rat Breeding Rack

A step by step of how I built my rat breeding rack, for feeding my ball pythons. Relatively cheap, and easy to build. 6ft tall, with 6 cement tubs. Price breakdown near the end of the video. Shout out to 46and2Reptiles, for his great YouTube videos, that got me into building this rack, and breeding my own feeders.

Facebook:   / theroyalballshack  
Instagram: @TheRoyalBallShack

If you have questions about the measurements, I made a video, which explains all the measurements. You can watch my, "Rat Breeding Rack Measurements! How to #2," here...    • Rat Breeding Rack Measurements! How T...  

Rack dimensions:

Frames - 29.5" x 21.25"-as built in video. I recommend building them smaller.
Recommended Frame Size - 27.5" x 21"-I recommend building this size, which is a little smaller than what I built in this video

Runners tubs slide on - Using recommended 27.5" x 21" frames, the runners would be 23.5".

Rack height - 70" - This depends on the distance between the frames, how many frames, and how close you want the bottom frame to the ground. I used 6 frames, with 10" between frames, and the bottom frame is 11" from the ground. Distance between frames is personal preference. I used 10" to allow the tubs to slide out, without hitting the water bottles I was using at the time. Now that I'm using an gravity fed water system, 10" is overkill, but I'm still happy with it.

Lumber list coming soon!


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