How to Get Rid of House Mice (4 Easy Steps)

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Watch how to get rid of house mice using the Solutions four step process! This video will show exactly what to do when you have mice infesting your home!

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2) TREATMENT: 3:06


Mice. They may look cute, but can cause serious damage. They get into our homes or businesses and spread filth, contaminate food, and even chew through wiring that can start fires.

There are plenty of signs to look for amongst a mice infestation. You might see some gnaw marks at the feet of your furniture, or you’ll notice some bags of food have been chewed through. They invade our homes looking for food and shelter. Mice could be hiding in your kitchen, garage, basement, attic, or bathroom, and once they’ve found their way in, they will do whatever they can to stick around.

How do you know you’re dealing with house mice rather than any other rodent, like a rat?A house mouse will measure around 2-3 inches, while adult rats can be 7-10 inches. Mice also have proportionately larger ears for their head size than rats do.

A common question we get a lot is how do I know I have mice. Mice are naturally very oily and they like to crawl against walls to feel safe, so you can look for grease marks along walls and baseboards. Also, keep your nose out for any foul odors. As mice excrete droppings, you can also expect them to excrete urine, which will leave a strong ammonia scent.

Start looking inside your home. Check underneath cabinets in your kitchen or bathrooms, inside of pantries, and behind appliances. Also check your garage, attic, and basement. Storage containers and clutter against the walls help mice feel safe as they travel.

In the kitchen, wipe down your stove top and pantry shelves and sweep the floors. Put away and seal pet food and other dried foods. Sweep dirt, dust, and declutter your garage, attic or basement to remove potential nesting sites. By cleaning up around your house, we’ve already eliminated a major reason for mice to stay here: food and shelter.

For the most effective mouse control, you will need to use a combination of mouse poison bait blocks, snap traps, and glue traps. We use a wide variety of traps because mice are skittish creatures who may not fall for just one kind of trap.

We’ll start by making bait placements with Eratication Rodent Bait. The bait blocks contain diphacinone, a blood-thinning chemical that will slowly kill mice within a few days. We will use Eratication with the Solutions Mouse Bait Stations. A bait station houses rodent poison bait blocks and provides mice with favorable conditions to consume the bait.

Along with bait, we will also use Solutions Easy Set Mouse Traps. These snap traps offer an instant method of killing mice. Unlike traditional snap traps, these traps are easy to arm, sanitary, and its unique pull bar design allows you to dispose of mice without having to touch them.

Finally to round out our mouse treatment, we will use glue boards like the Catchmaster 72MB. These glue boards will help you catch multiple mice per trap in environments where poisons are prohibited or discouraged. The Catchmaster Glue Board’s unique design allows you to set it flat or fold it into a box. Folding the glue board into a box creates a more conducive environment for mice, since they like dark and enclosed spaces, but it’s not always necessary to do so.

Our final step of the process is prevention. It is important to avoid mice infestations by maintaining an environment not conducive to mice behaviour. Eliminate food and water sources by cleaning up around kitchens and bathrooms. Pack boxed foods such as cereals, pasta, or rice into air-tight plastic containers. Maintain a regular cleaning schedule, wash your dishes, take out the garbage, and clean food crumbs and spills.

Be sure to visit our website for an in-depth guide and access to each of our products. We guarantee that these products and tips will help control house mice, and we offer same day shipping to help you get control quickly.

Solutions is a small family owned business, and we rely on referrals from customers like you. So if you liked this how-to guide and when the products work for you, please share and tell your friends and family about us.

Thanks for watching!


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