Bowhunting Late Season Public Success

Описание к видео Bowhunting Late Season Public Success

This bowhunt took place on January 3rd on one of the many Wisconsin lands available to the public for deer hunting. I packed in my bow, treestand, and camera equipment for this morning hunt where the temperature dropped to 3 degrees. Four does came in almost too close. When the second one busted me, I had to move fast to shoot the first deer, which had already passed me and didn't know why the other deer were running. At full draw, I couldn't let down, move the camera, and draw back again hoping the deer would still be there on full alert. A quick second arrow was required but the tracking job was short. I wish I could say the same about the drag, which was a little over a mile through the frozen marsh and swamp.

I captured this hunt with a Canon Vixia HF S100 with Canon DM-100 shogtun microphone, and got the second angle from a GoPro. I used Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 to edit the footage.

Songs "Heading for the Battle" and "Ice Plains of Nohmadee" by Rickvanman at


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