Space Corpse - Probed and Cloned

Описание к видео Space Corpse - Probed and Cloned

Have you ever been abducted?

"I’ve awaken from the grasp of slumber.
Light pierces my fragile eyes as my view comes into focus.
The silhouettes of many heads gather to begin the probing.
Needle injected into my temple - my vision fades and pure euphoria washes over me, Blanketing my tremoring psyche in the warmth of a synthesized serotonin drip.
A machine turns on and I can smell burning flesh.
A heavy pressure building in my chest.
My lungs collapse and I lose all consciousness.
Revived by electric shock.
Laying next to my clone. I will not be replaced.
Rip out my life support and rely on pure adrenaline, the wires rip from under my skin.
I grab a sharp device and murder my replica by stabbing his brain.
I don’t even know our name, all I know is I've been probed and cloned."


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