Santisima Trinidad ship 1769-1805. 1:700 scale model for wargame sculpted by Henry Turner

Описание к видео Santisima Trinidad ship 1769-1805. 1:700 scale model for wargame sculpted by Henry Turner

I have had little time for the hobby in the last few weeks, but I have finally been able to get back into the swing of things and finish this model, the Santisima Trinidad ship (140 guns), 1769-1805. 1:700 scale model for wargame sculpted by Henry Turner.

I have chosen the color pattern that it had in 1797, so it should look in the battle of Cape St. Vincent in this guise.

As I mention in the video, I have taken advantage of the construction of this model to have footage for an upcoming video on rigging. I don't have a particularly efficient system, but I am proud that the results are very good, and some of you have asked me in the comments of other videos, so I owe it to you.

I want to thank for permission to use his images. It is a great page with a lot of information about the Age of Sail Spanish Armada.


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