GCSE Art and Design - New to Edexcel

Описание к видео GCSE Art and Design - New to Edexcel

Pearson Edexcel Art and Design Facebook Group:   / edexcelart  

Helpful video for teachers new to teaching the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Art and Design (2016) qualification or for those who just want a refresher.

This pre-recorded training is designed for teachers who are moving to Pearson Edexcel or delivering the Pearson Edexcel specification for the first time. This will support you in getting ready to teach the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Art and Design specification.

The content of the training covers the following areas:
walkthrough of the course specification, the structure of assessment, and the titles/areas of study options that can be delivered at your centre
looking at ways to approach teaching one or more titles, and how to produce physical or digital work
exploration of both Component 1 and Component 2, their differences, and the opportunities within each for students to explore and specialise their evidence
review of expectations for centre moderation or digital submission of work, and how best to prepare
finding out more about the support available to guide you through both launching or switching to our course.

Also check out our bitesize video playlist to support your delivery of GCSE Art and Design    • GCSE Art and Design  

All of the resources to support your planning and delivery can be found on the GCSE Art and Design (2016) qualification page https://qualifications.pearson.com/en...

For more information, regular updates and to contact your Subject Advisor for further support, please see the Pearson Art, Design and Media page https://qualifications.pearson.com/en...


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