NIKON Coolpix P300 - Review incl. ISO-Test

Описание к видео NIKON Coolpix P300 - Review incl. ISO-Test

A Review of the NIKON P300.
This time in english for my friend Graham and all the others, who don't understand the german language. I hope you are so kind to ignore my english mistakes.

Für die deutschen Zuschauer habe ich entsprechende Untertitel eingefügt.

00:13 Overview
04:17 Sample Images
05:07 ISO Test
07:31 Macro-Mode
08:22 Movie-Mode
09:13 Slowmotion Sample 120 fps

Gefilmt mit Canon EOS 550D, Tonaufnahme mit Olympus D550, Editing in iMovie'11

June 2011:
Here is the Link to the concert-video I mentioned (The Soundquality of the microphones under extreme conditions):
   • 30 Seconds to Mars @ Summer Sound Sursee  


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