Foraging Wild Edibles: Fix your garden problem by eating the weeds

Описание к видео Foraging Wild Edibles: Fix your garden problem by eating the weeds

Have you ever faced weeds in your garden? So many weeds that it's intimidating? What if those weeds could be the first harvest of your garden rehab? That would be a good deal, I think!

In this video, I'm rehabbing a little raised bed garden that I have ignored for too long. I found 11 kinds of edible weeds and made a giant pot of wild greens with ham hocks -- enough to feed me for days! But I also found a weed that's highly toxic! See if you can tell which weed that is! I've got some tips for foraging weeds from your garden or yard, too.

I've had requests from some of you to show more of my gardens. So I will be doing that over this summer. I'm starting with a reality check -- a neglected raised bed garden. Looking over the weeds in here, there's a lot of good eating!

I have a video about 2 strategies for how to efficiently pick garden weeds to eat. For this project, I'm using the strategy of picking a wide assortment of weeds. So I'm starting off with a lot of bowls to hold the different kinds of weeds that I'm picking. That's because it's important to Pick Organized! It's a lot easier that way to double-check in the kitchen that I don't have any plants that I don't want, like the really toxic one!

In picking garden weeds, we don't have to take everything. They're weeds, after all, so it's OK to high-grade, and just take the best plants back to the kitchen.

But it is important to Pick Clean! Don't just pull a weed and toss it into the bowl. Cut the roots off so the soil doesn't make it back to the kitchen. And double-check any clumps of plants to make sure there's nothing mixed in with that 1 kind of plant.

As I find each kind of plant, I tell you about it. When the picking is over, I give you a chance to identify what I have in my big bowls.

After clearing out my raised bed, it's all ready to plant now. And I've got a big batch of delicious wild greens to eat, too! Enough for days!

Here's the plants I harvested:
Nipplewort - Lapsana communis
Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale
Common Sowthistle - Sonchus oleraceus
Prickly Sowthistle - Sonchus asper
Prickly Wild Lettuce - Lactuca serriola
Hedge Mustard - Sisymbrium officinale
Cleavers, Stick-Tights, and lots of other names - Galium aparine
Bristly Hawksbeard - Crepis setosa
Bittercress - Cardamine hirsuta
Purple Deadnettle - Lamium purpureum
Wild Carrot, Queen Anne's Lace - Daucus carota
Poison Hemlock - Conium maculatum - DO NOT EAT!

My playlist on foraging for wild foods:    • Foraging Wild Edibles: Real Food for ...  

My channel: Haphazard Homestead:    / @haphazardhomestead  

#wildfood #eatyouryard #eatwild #foraging #wildgreens #HaphazardHomestead

Music: "Bummin on Tremolo", "Carpe Diem", "Final Battle of the Dark Wizards", "Happy Alley", and "Life of Riley" by, Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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