139: Dean Graziosi: Lessons Learned From A Real Estate Mogul

Описание к видео 139: Dean Graziosi: Lessons Learned From A Real Estate Mogul

Whatever happened to all the real men?

Oh, we see plenty of masculine imagery in movies and TV. Healthy, successful, attractive guys with gorgeous women hanging all over them.

We yearn to be those men – but these images don’t tell us how to become like them. Maybe we try to fake it by buying a nice suit or an expensive car – but deep down, we know we’re just pretending, so nothing really changes.

I used to be a guy like that too – faking my way through life, bored at my job, always in the “friend zone” with the women I wanted… dreaming big and hoping next year would be different but living all too small.

That all changed when I found out where the REAL male mentors are… built strong friendships with them… and let them teach me how to take back my masculine power once and for all.

These powerful men told me things my father never told me… about women, finance, physical health, and how to become the strongest version of myself. And after a decade of intensive mentorship, I now want to pass this knowledge on to you.

It’s time to shatter your chains, and start living the life you know you deserve – as a strong grounded man.

I’m offering my exclusive 90-minute, 30-video training course on becoming a strong, grounded man… absolutely FREE, for a very limited time.

Just click here to get your copy, and take control of your life today → https://goo.gl/Xh3pof

Dean Graziosi is an American real estate investor and expert, TV personality, businessman, Entrepreneur, bestselling author and motivational speaker. Graziosi is perhaps best known for his long running infomercial series on late night TV (since 1999 until present) where he offered his real estate books direct to consumers. He has written five books which have dominated the real estate book sales space starting in 2006.

Key Points

1. Failure is an Essential Piece of Success

Many entrepreneurs and other businessmen believe that success is a straight road, you simply get on the path and once you get enough momentum you will succeed.

What they don’t understand is that there is no success without failure, as Ryan Holiday says, “The obstacle is the way.” Even the most illustrious of companies and entrepreneurs have faced tremendous adversity and “unconquerable”situations before they achieved the renown they know today.

2. Use Your Pain as a Motivator

The natural state of human-kind is to move towards pleasure and away from pain. This is the driving force behind every action we take. Therefor, learn to use the pain in your life to motivate you towards success.

Pain is one of the most powerful tools in your belt if you learn to harness it properly. Leverage pain to create the life you want.

3. Don’t Work on Your Weaknesses

One of the biggest lies of our society is to work on our weaknesses.

Root out this mentality like a cancer, embrace your strengths and delegate your weaknesses, the only way to build a vibrant business or life is to fill it with people working from areas of excellence and passion. Forget your weaknesses and work on your strengths. You will be healthier, wealthier and wiser for it.

4. Most People Will Not Understand

If you are on this site, you are unique. Most people are not filling their heads with the knowledge and wisdom of the wise and successful and as such, they will try and bring you and your dreams down.They do not understand the world the way you do, they are victims and pessimists.

Do not let small minded underachievers prevent you from achieving the life of your dreams. Go for what you want, go big, build the life of your dreams the business of your dreams, do what you damn well please and don’t let broke unhappy people stop you.

5. Protect Your Confidence

Ensure that you guard your confidence in yourself above all else. If you do not believe in yourself and your abilities, you will never accomplish great things.

6. Remove Energy Vampires

Plain and simple, if you sigh when someone calls or messages you, they need to be cut out of your life. As harsh as this sounds, you cannot afford to waste time and energy on people who do nothing but drain you.

7. What Your Surround Yourself Shapes Your Destiny

Your environment will, in large part, determine your destiny. Surround yourself with inspiring and high caliber individuals, fill your head with knowledge and ideas from the best minds, listen to audio tapes and CDs. No matter where you are in life, by altering your environment, you will alter who you become, get started today creating an environment conducive to excellence.


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