Zero To Hero In 7 Minutes Zodiac Cadet 300 Compact assembly

Описание к видео Zero To Hero In 7 Minutes Zodiac Cadet 300 Compact assembly

Assembly of the 2012 Zodiac Cadet 300 Compact RIB with a 2013 Yamaha SMHA 6hp and launch wheels. Boat inflated with 12 DC inflation pump that hooks onto your car's battery making it quick and easy to get out on the water for anyone in any shape.
Spend more time on the water and less time setting up with The Inflatable Boat Center's smart boat packages in a size and price right for every boater's budget. Zodiac's senior dealer and 1 of Yamaha's top 10 key dealerships featuring 5 star gold rated sales and service (Certified Master Marine Mechanic on staff for all sizes and types of boats)
Cadet 300 Compact RIB weight 106 lbs.
Yamaha SMHA weight 60lbs.
Boat,inflation pump,launch wheels,motor cart and motor are all sold seperately at The Inflatable Boat Center in Portland Oregon (503)235-2628.

Video shot in one continuous take.


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