SUMMER VINEYARD WEDDING | Heartfelt Wedding Trailer - Josh & Megan

Описание к видео SUMMER VINEYARD WEDDING | Heartfelt Wedding Trailer - Josh & Megan

This is more than just a simple wedding capture, more than just another job on the weekend.

Over the past few years I have gotten to know Megan as a true friend, the friend group was blessed by her presence, and she is the kindest soul you will ever meet. When getting to know Josh, it was clear to see a match was written by God as they fit so well in each others company. His true and loving nature mixed well, and it was clear to see both of their joint desires to care for their friends and most importantly to first love their God.

I was happy when Megan asked me to capture her wedding, as I got to be behind the scenes and watch some of my favourite people make this next big journey of life together.

Moments like these are why I am a wedding videographer and photographer. Moments like these are why I pick up a camera.

Wishing you all the best in your journey, Josh and Megan!

Sincerely your friend,
Ben T


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