Whats better hypalon or Pvc Inflatable Rib Boat ? Impressive stuff !

Описание к видео Whats better hypalon or Pvc Inflatable Rib Boat ? Impressive stuff !

Ever wonder what material to buy when choosing an inflatable boat ? When call this the runover test. Results are pretty crazy .

We make inflatable rib tubes in South Florida and can duplicate any old rib tube. Dont throw away old tubes we may need them as a template. I can be reached at 7864479019 or my email is [email protected]

Here are the air valves I recommend

Here is the best degreaser i use to clean hypalon

Here is the best Uv protector for your new hypalon tubes

Please watch: "The Greatest Cabin ever ! Belzona Boats 32' and 27' (Annapolis Show)"
   • The Greatest Cabin ever ! Belzona Boa...  


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