【BELL 360 INVICTUS】美國隱身武裝直升機,高敏捷,高機動,高續航,高殺傷是它的特點,還有自動駕駛功能

Описание к видео 【BELL 360 INVICTUS】美國隱身武裝直升機,高敏捷,高機動,高續航,高殺傷是它的特點,還有自動駕駛功能

貝爾 360 invictus是貝爾公司為競選美國陸軍未來攻擊偵察機計劃所研發的一款常規佈局直升機貝爾 360 invictus直升機的特點就是它將敏捷性和傷害性以及模塊系統和可持續性完美的結合到了一起,且價格低廉,滿足了美國陸軍對未來攻擊偵察機(FARA)的要求,貝爾 360 invictus直升機能全天候的提供戰場安全和戰場局勢偵察,直到戰鬥結束,貝爾360 invictus作為美國陸軍,未來攻擊偵察機背後的創新者,不僅一直在強調低價格而且多次強調低技術風險,和生存能力以及殺傷力,貝爾360 invictus可實現在任何環境下進行攻擊,和偵察任務,無論是在城市的中心,還是在崎嶇的山區上,或時茂密的叢林地區,它都能以其超高的敏捷性快速通過,在常規佈局直升機中貝爾360 invictus絕對是佼佼者
The Bell 360 invictus is a conventional helicopter developed by Bell for the US Army’s future attack reconnaissance aircraft program. The Bell 360 invictus helicopter is characterized by a perfect combination of agility and damage, as well as a modular system and sustainability. And the price is low, and it meets the requirements of the US Army for the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA). The Bell 360 invictus helicopter can provide battlefield security and battlefield situation reconnaissance around the clock until the end of the battle. As the US Army, the Bell 360 invictus is behind the future attack reconnaissance aircraft. The innovators of Bell have not only emphasized low prices but also low technical risks, survivability and lethality. Bell 360 invictus can carry out attacks and reconnaissance missions in any environment, whether in the center of the city or in the On rugged mountainous areas or dense jungle areas, it can pass quickly with its super agility. In the conventional layout of helicopters, the Bell 360 invictus is definitely the best.


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