class-11th||Trigonometric-04|Quadrant sign scheme of T.F|All India State Board|CBSE Board|JEE (m&a)

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class-11th||Trigonometric Function- 03||Quadrant sign scheme of T.F |All India State Board|CBSE Board|ICSE BOARD||JEE(mains+advanced)

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The word 'trigonometry' is derived from the Greek words
'rigon' and and it means the sides of
a triangle. The subject was originally developed to solve
eometric problems involving triangles. It was studied by
sea captains for navigation, surveyor to map out the new
lands, by engineers and others. Currently, trigonometry is
used in many areas such as the science of seismology,
designing electric circuits, describing the state of an atom.
predicting the heights of tides in the ocean, analysing a
musical tone and in many other areas.
In earlier classes, we have studied the trigonometric
ratios of acute angles as the
angled triangle. We have also studied the trigonometric identities and application of
trigonometric ratios in solving the problems related to heights and distances. In this
Chapter, we will generalise the concept of trigonometric ratios to trigonometric functions
The word 'Trigonometry' is derived from two Greek words : (i) and, (ii) metron. The
word means a triangle and the word metron means a measure. Hence, trigonometry
means the science of measuring triangles. In broader sense it is that branch of Mathematics
which deals with the measurement of the sides and the angles triangle and the problems
Trigonometric Functions of a Real number
Values of Trigonometric Functions
Signs of Trigonometric Functions
Variations in values of Trigonometric Functions in Different Quadrants
Values of Trigonometric Functions at Allied Angles
Trigonometric ratios and Identities
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Even and Odd functions
11th trigonometric functions
class 11th trigonometric
class 11th trigonometric functions exercise
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functions all formulas
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class 11th trigonometric function
class 11th trigonometric
functions exercise 3.3
class 11th trigonometric
functions exercise 3.1
class 11th trigonometric
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trigonometric functions class
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trigonometric functions class
11th exercise 3.2
trigonometric functions class
11th miscellaneous exercise
trigonometric functions class
11th NCERT
Trigonometri function class 11th
Trigonometri function Jee
Class 11th trigonometry function
Angel and measurement class 11th
Class 11th mathematics
Mathematics class 11th
CBSE Board trigonometri function class 11th
Bihar Board class 11th
Bihar Board trigonometri function
CBSE Board trigonometric functions
All india State board trigonometry function
Jee mains trigonometric function
Jee advanced trigonometric functions
Ncert trigonometric functions
#Trigonometric Functions of a Real number
#Values of Trigonometric Functions
#Trigonometric ldentities
#quadrant singn scheme of trigonometric functions
#Signs of Trigonometric Functions
#Variations in values of Trigonometric #Functions in Different Quadrants
#Values of Trigonometric Functions at Allied
#Complete understanding of trigonometric functions
#Periodic Functions
#Even and Odd functions
#Trigonometric function
#class11th mathematics
#The Realistic Math


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