Rest of Autumn 2024 A Psychic Forecast; 3 Things That Will SHOCK THE WORLD!

Описание к видео Rest of Autumn 2024 A Psychic Forecast; 3 Things That Will SHOCK THE WORLD!

Fall 2024 is here (Spring 2024 a psychic forecast for you folks down under)...Breaking News!!! Systems Breakdowns are imminent, prepare now! Here's the rest of Autumn 2024 a psychic forecast, 3 things that will shock the world. Here's your Autumn of '24 energy updates; 2024 psychic predictions and the recent eclipse season and how everything is about to change. This is the solar flash of global ascension, the quantum jump of humanity, the 5D ascension and the advent of The Aquarian Age and our passport into New Earth Consciousness. Through psychic predictions, evidential mediumship readings, channeled information from the ascended masters, angels and archangels and "The Master Teachers" here's what to expect and what to include in your high vibe life. Empaths, lightworkers, starseeds, psychics, mystics and evolving awakening souls...this is OUR time but we have a lot to get through first.

In this video we have the messages, the psychic predictions and the channeled messages to help keep you ahead of the storm so you will survive now and thrive later. This summer season is a preview of what to expect moving forward into the mid and later 2020s. The old facades will come down, new structures will be built, in fact our whole society may be rebuilt depending upon exactly how extreme the changes are but this much is for sure. It's all gonna change and how easily or how difficult these changes become is up to us as a collective. Psychic forecasts are fluid as the timelines we are forecasting for and of course can change..let's work together to support the positive and negate the negative.

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