Enviro 300 Transbus East Kent, Eastbourne & Bedford, Stagecoach Cambridge 27523 GX06DZE on 1 *Return

Описание к видео Enviro 300 Transbus East Kent, Eastbourne & Bedford, Stagecoach Cambridge 27523 GX06DZE on 1 *Return

Service 1 from Cambridge Station to Kings Hedges Nursery School and Return. This bus type Enviro 300 is now a 16 years old was new to Stagecoach East Kent in July 2006 till 2016 this and some others was transferred to Stagecoach in Eastbourne for 2 years till 2018 this and 3 of these transferred to Stagecoach in Bedford till this along with these 3 have transferred to Cambridge following of swapping some E400 AE10 regs that have gone to bedford for some routes that have converted operation to replace Elites that have transferred other stagecoach to replace some older coaches since late 2021 till this year this along with 3 of them have taken out of service to Reserve Fleet back in 5 months ago was February till march these were back in service with newly repainted with stagecoach local livery is usually on the Citi 1 and some other routes since this one is the only bus has remained for long while other these are 27520/21 & 22 are now loaned with East Kent to cover some buses. 20/07/2022


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